Saint Books for children ages 3-13+
A line up of saint books all my children enjoy! Most were bought, a few were gifted.
We are not being paid by anyone to share these books, just an honest recommendation from us on books about the saints that kids ages 3-13+ can enjoy, especially with All Saints Day approaching!
A quick google search of each title and author will allow you to find the best place to order these books!
Digital Disciple: Carlo Acutis and the Eucharist by Voyage Comics
Amazing Saints and their Awesome Animals by Sherry Boas
Jonah’s Voyage to Atlantis by Kosloski, Ventura, Hansen
St. Faustina Kowalska Messenger of Mercy by Susan Helen Wallace, FSP
ABC Pray and Play Saint Book by Saintly Heart Catholic Toy Company
The Saints Chronicles Collection 2 by various authors published by Sophia Institute Press
ABC Get to Know the Saints with Me! by Caroline Perkins
Loyola Kids Book of Heroes by Amy Welborn
All You Holy Women, Pray for Us by Adam and Angela Smyth
Finnian and the Seven Mountains by Philip Kosloski, Michael LaVoy
The Children’s Book of Saints by Louis M. Savary
My Name is Philoment by Fr. Peregrin Fletcher, O.Praem.
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Journey to the Summit by Ana Maria Vazquez and Jennings Dean
Saints Around the World by Meg HUnter-Kilmer
Saint Pio of Pietrelcina Rich in Love by Eileen Dunn Bertanzetti
The Life of Saint Dominic Savio by Saint John Bosco
The Saints Chronicles Collection 1 by various authors published by Sophia Institute Press
The Queen and the Cross: The Story of Saint Helen by Cornelia Mary Bilinsky
Saint Francis Patron of all Animals by Maggie Swanson
Saint Gianna Beretta Molla The Gift of Life by Susan Helen Wallace, FSP
Philip Neri The Laughing Saint by Lee Hyeon-Ju
Saints for Boys by Aquinas Press
Blessed Stanley Rother by Susan Rother Bond
Saint John Bosco and His Big Gray Dog by Hayley Medeiros
Saint Joseph Watch Over My Family by Sabine du Mesnil
Saint John Bosco and Saint DOminic Savio by Catherine Beebe
Encyclopedia of Peg Saints by Maggie and Michael Jetty